Saturday, July 23, 2011


Hi I'm Elaine and I came over the weekend to visit I came Friday night and ate dinner with my Aunt Abby and then went to sleep at 10pm. I woke up eating eggs, toast and orange juice- Yum! Then we played the piano together and ate lunch at the Q Shack. We dropped Aunt Abby's sister off at her friends and we headed home and spent some time on facebook xD. I went to a pool party but couldn't get in but I watched and talked to people. I couldn't get in because you see, I broke my leg Thursday. I'm alright though I'm so glad for the supposrt from all my friends and family. Eating pizza tonight for dinner- yum!!! Well the girls wanted me to update you guys!
BTW I'm Madeline AGDC's dollie :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Hi it's all us Girls! We're taking over Abby's blog because we feel like it and we'll make it much more fun!!
Katie: Their names are Lacie and Alyssa!!
Kirsten Faith: They are numbers 33 (Lacie) and 55 (Alyssa)!!
Samantha: We're sooooo excited!!
Piper: Alyssa's getting glasses and that's not all we're getting!!
Tracy: Abby's going to NEW YORK CITY and she's never even set foot on the state before!!!
Victoria: And you know NYC has an AG store.. the ORIGINAL one
Emily: She's going to get school supplies for us!
Kanani: And clothes for us!
Melanie: And more furniture/accesories/big item thingies xD
Marisol: We're psyched! But she's not going until December
Julie: WITH A GUY SHE LIKES!!!!!!!
Kit: Shhh!!!! That's Abby's secret!!!
Julie: So?? It's ADORABLE! ROMANCE <3 I think my full name should be Juliet not Julianna :D They totalllyyy should marry!!!
Kit: I know audience- what this seems like but Abby has close friends they're going with and there is a guy she likes that is in that family only 1 year older than her. But I personally think romance is nonsense!
Abby's gonna be mad at Julie.. But anyway that's our updates! :D bye for nowww <3 xoxo

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Aloha Kanani Book Giveaway!!

Hey guys!! I'm doing an Aoha Kanani book giveaway! It's brand new, never read, never opened and it's straight from a Kanani doll box! If you guys want a chance of winning email me now or comment on here stating your name, what you like about my blog, and how excited you'd be if you won this. MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION FIRST! Because later on, I will send the book to you and I'm not sure if your parents would be comfortable with you giving out your address to just anyone. Don't give your address out on here!!! NEVER! Don't even give me your address until you are positive you won. To email me here is my email: 
Here is an example:
My name is Cassidy
I like your blog because of your creative posts
I would be EXTREMELY excited about getting this book because I LOVE Kanani!!

I will be picking the winner by their answers to why they like my blog and how excited you'd be if you got my book. Have fun!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Birthday Post!

My birthday was today (Well yesterday, considering it's 1:13am and I'm blogging) and I got Kanani! I am SO sorry, I know I haven't been on here in like- a MILLION years! I've just been so busy and not had time to blog, but here I am. Now that Kanani is here I can start my continuous photo story! It will be called Pip & Kan and you will see why soon and every week a new photostory will be posted. Like in a tv series, same characters but a new story every week of Pip & Kan! After every season there will be a HUGE photostory for the end. Kanani is beautiful and we both have our same PJ's on and same shoes, I have her hair braided and we will be in bed shortly. I hope the other girls aren't jealous!! I will first have a photo story of all the girls meeting Kanani! What a beauty she truly is! To see what I did for my birthday, go to my other blog, (Waddling and Walking All The Way...)! I turned 12 and that was fun!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Aloha Kanani book give away!!!

Hey guys! On June 18th, I will be sending a book off to a winner of this give away!! If you guys want a better chance of winning email me now or comment on here stating your name, what you like about my blog, and how excited you'd be if you won this. MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION FIRST! Because later on, I will send the book to you and I'm not sure if your parents would be comfortable with you giving out your address to just anyone. Don't give your address out on here!!! NEVER! Don't even give me your address until you are positive you won. To email me here is my email: 
Here is an example:
My name is Cassidy
I like your blog because of your creative posts
I would be EXTREMELY excited about getting this book because I LOVE Kanani!!

I will be picking the winner by their answers to why they like my blog and how excited you'd be if you got my book. Have fun!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Piper, An Australian doll!

When I was in Virginia, I went to a toy store and they had a Karito Kid (A 21” doll brand) and I got Piper with my money instead of Kanani! My mom said she will get Kanani for my birthday so yeah! Piper is beautiful and I have had her for about 3-4 days now. The sad thing is today Piper’s eye got cracked inside somehow from the sun. She wasn’t even outside long. That’s very disappointing. Plus, her wig is balding. I’m very disappointed in Karito Kids, as this is the first doll I got from Karito Kids and she already had defects. They don’t have a doll hospital so I’m going to look online to see if anyone fixes Karito Kid’s eyes and I will just buy a new wig that looks like Piper’s original wig on I was thinking about sending her back and getting a new one but that would just break my heart to just send that poor dolly hoping for a home who had no idea she had defects yet. :( So I’m keeping her :)


Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm getting Kanani!

Hey guys! Tomorrow, I am getting Kanani! How exciting is that? I have saved money up for 3 months and finally have enough money- coins, dollar bills, and checks all add up to 105.85 dollars so I have $5.85 left! It's extremely exciting! If you have Kanani share your experience in a comment and tell me how much you love her! My doll's name is: Kanani Ocean Akina. K.O.A. I did not put Ocean as her middle name just because she lives near a beach and she likes surfing but because I have been to Hawaii before and I met a beautiful girl that looked like Kanani and her name was Ocean! When I get Kanani I will have a total of 13 AG dolls and Our Generations. Before I go, please, please, please follow me and tell all of your friends who are also fans of dolls to follow my blog!! Thanks!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ADORABLE Homemade Kanani outfit and more!

I found this beautiful dress on Etsy made for Kanani:
Homemade by jsgavgab- only ONE available!!

Here is a picture without the skirt

Here is the backside

Isn't it so cute?? It's only 15.00! To go see the site link right now click HERE! Now on to some subjects that Natalie S. requested me to talk about! :) 
I don't know too much about the Julie musical but I will try to give as much information as possible. It is official that she will come out approximately in 2012. The only description is "Julie is a young girl coming of age in the 1970's of San Francisco." Wait I found more information (LOL)- At a recent press day for Kit Kittredge: An American Girl, producer Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas confirmed that there are indeed plans for more American Girl movies in the pipeline.
The next American Girl to see her story make it to film? Julie Albright. "We are developing the Julie character," Goldsmith-Thomas said, "and we're doing her as a musical, as a high school musical."
"We're going to have all those great songs from the '70s," she continued. "Julie: An American Girl Musical. It's in San Francisco."
The movie is just in outline form as of now, so Goldsmith-Thomas was unable to confirm much more about it, but she did say the music will include both original songs written for the movie as well as music from the 1970s, and that they intend to do more open auditions like they did for Kit Kittredge. "Oh, you betcha," she said. Also one more topic- Natalie wants me to talk about the New historical dolls coming out. I honestly don't have any idea who they are going to be. I just wish American Girl would have put them out the same time they did Kanani. Wait! I found some more information. The new historical dolls will come out in Summer 2011. The first book in one of the character's series is already on Amazon for preorder. Right now it's listed as "New Historical Character Book 1 (American Girl)". Two new Historicals are coming out. The authors of the books are: Sarah Masters Baker (Books 1, 3 and 5) and Denise lewis Patrick (Books 2, 4, and 6). I hope that gives you enough information for now!!!
Signing off,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Caring Christian Girl Academy has upgrades!!!

At the girl's school they have been asking for upgrades for such a long time!!! I decided to make classes just like in middle school. Here they are:
PVR students: Highest, have achieved and passed atleast one grade above their own. (Example, Marisol is in the PVR class and she has passed the math unit's test for 8th grade and she is in 7th!)
Poor Richard students: Soon, all of these students in this class will excel to PVR. These students think like Benjamin Franklin and are in engineering classes, they invent ways to build a bridge with toothpicks and put a 20 pound weight on it, without the bridge breaking!! (Poor Richard is a famous almanac Benjamin Franklin wrote)
Little Prairie students: These students are very resourceful just like the little family in the book series Little House on the Prairie. They come up with ways to repel mosquitoes without using chemicals. They find ways to write without any pens, pencils or any writing utencils.
Monumental Students: These girls know a lot about history! They have studied the Revolutionary War so much that they know each individual person who fought in both British and American sides in every battle. (Such as the Concord, Lexington, Dorchester, Long Island, Sullivan's Island and Moore's Creek battles)
Elementary students: These girls are in Elementary and cannot participate in the things above because they are not in Middle School yet. Some of the students know more than average and so also are in PVR. These girls learn the normal subjects and have occasional field trips.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Blog!

Hey I have a new blog for just about me and my life etc! It is called "Waddling and Walking All the Way..."! Make sure to listen to the songs I put below the title. I think this will be fun! Make sure to follow me and suggest my blog to your friends!! Also another fun blog is "The Life and Happenings of a Tween Christian Girl". Here are the site addresses (URL) :

Waddling and Walking All the Way:

The Life and Happenings of a Tween Christian Girl:


Saturday, February 5, 2011

I am raising money!

I really want the Kanani doll and there is no way I am waiting until my birthday (June) so I am raising money by babysitting! I now have 41 dollars. I babysit a 3 year old and a 1 year old (and a 2 year old if you count my brother). I get good money- usually about $15 a week and if I'm lucky $32 a week! This week I got 23 dollars. If you would like tips on babysitting go to!   Also thank you everyone who comments, and goes on my blog/website! It means so so so much to me!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hey everyone! Could you please do me a favor? If you are reading this at all whoever you are could you please comment saying you have read this? Thanks! I just would like to know who visits my blog :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New photostory!

To see a photostory about the Revolutionary War go to the gallery! Enjoy!!! Here is the link: CLICK HERE!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yay I got pages up!!!!

Okay so I finally got pages up!! Sadly, Gallery doesn't want to show up but the page DOES exist!! Here is the link to visit the gallery: click HERE!I hope ya'll enjoy! And if I left out a page (besides gallery)please let me know!!! Thanks!

Monday, January 24, 2011

3rd Day on Blogspot

I am very frustrated right now! I looked up my original website on Yahoo! (Caring Christian Girl Academy) and it was there!! But then I looked up my current website and it's not :( I had finally gotten popular! Oh well... when life gives you lemons make lemonade! So that's what I'm doing right now, making lemonade out of this mess. I am going to get pages and etc. for my page soon! Kit's birthday party is going to be celebrated today!! Her birthday was on the 22nd and we are going to have a party!! If you would like to virtually be invited by video chatting or just regular chatting please comment saying so! Thanks! Have a great day!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


This is harder than I thought it would be!!! Sorry that it is so complicated! In a couple of days we will have pages up including  "Color A Doll" "Care to Share?" "Chat Board" "Gallery" (and I will include all the games") And PLEASE if there are any other pages that I have forgotten please comment telling so! Thanks and sorry for all the trouble!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blog Moved to Blogger!!!

Hey guys just wanted to let ya'll know that my website has been MOVED to blogger! It is now CCGASCHOOL.BLOGSPOT.COM not weebly BLOGSPOT! Remember! Everything will be the same now just not weebly anymore! I hope you guys enoy!!