Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hey everyone! Could you please do me a favor? If you are reading this at all whoever you are could you please comment saying you have read this? Thanks! I just would like to know who visits my blog :)


  1. I read it and visit practically every day! The background on this blog is so cute. I also followed:-)

  2. I read you blog all the time too! It's awesome Abby! :D
    your OBFF :)

  3. Hannah- thank you so so much!!! You are truly awesome!
    Leanna- Thank you thank you thank you!!! :D

  4. Hey Abby it is me Natalie i have been on here before remember. Sorry I haven`t been on in a while my "friends" have been mean to me lately so I have been trying to sort through some things.

  5. Oh I'm sorry to hear that :( I'm glad you're back on though! Lately some girls have also been mean to me. Don't bother with them they are not worth it :)

  6. Well actually they aren`t girls it is this one boy on my bus. He through a rock at me on Friday. He was oh sorry so then he let all of the girls in 5th grade on the bus punch...his book bag. He is a very odd kid.

  7. I'm sure he is! Are you in Elementary school? I can kind of tell :-). In public middle school that boy would not survive- he's gonna have to toughen up and stop playing around with girls just because they are beautiful (AKA Natalie ;] )! Hope you recovered from that rock hit!
    P.S. You can email me at and tell me and ask me anything because I can always help :)
