Thursday, February 17, 2011

Caring Christian Girl Academy has upgrades!!!

At the girl's school they have been asking for upgrades for such a long time!!! I decided to make classes just like in middle school. Here they are:
PVR students: Highest, have achieved and passed atleast one grade above their own. (Example, Marisol is in the PVR class and she has passed the math unit's test for 8th grade and she is in 7th!)
Poor Richard students: Soon, all of these students in this class will excel to PVR. These students think like Benjamin Franklin and are in engineering classes, they invent ways to build a bridge with toothpicks and put a 20 pound weight on it, without the bridge breaking!! (Poor Richard is a famous almanac Benjamin Franklin wrote)
Little Prairie students: These students are very resourceful just like the little family in the book series Little House on the Prairie. They come up with ways to repel mosquitoes without using chemicals. They find ways to write without any pens, pencils or any writing utencils.
Monumental Students: These girls know a lot about history! They have studied the Revolutionary War so much that they know each individual person who fought in both British and American sides in every battle. (Such as the Concord, Lexington, Dorchester, Long Island, Sullivan's Island and Moore's Creek battles)
Elementary students: These girls are in Elementary and cannot participate in the things above because they are not in Middle School yet. Some of the students know more than average and so also are in PVR. These girls learn the normal subjects and have occasional field trips.

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