Saturday, February 5, 2011

I am raising money!

I really want the Kanani doll and there is no way I am waiting until my birthday (June) so I am raising money by babysitting! I now have 41 dollars. I babysit a 3 year old and a 1 year old (and a 2 year old if you count my brother). I get good money- usually about $15 a week and if I'm lucky $32 a week! This week I got 23 dollars. If you would like tips on babysitting go to!   Also thank you everyone who comments, and goes on my blog/website! It means so so so much to me!


  1. Awesome Abby! Ikr, I couldn't wait until June either for Kanani! (My birthday also, but you already knew that. :P) BTW, I laughed out loud when I read that about the typing thing, but not in a mean way or anything. Thanks for including me in it! :D And I voted JLY on the poll to get #30 or #27. :)

  2. Haha wow!! I am actually faster at typing just not random words that people give me... XD
